REBOL [Title: "Kurtsynth Rebol Synthesizer Demo" Author: "Kurt Sassenrath" Date: 31-Jan-06 Version: 1.0.0 ] ; Order of Operations: ; ; 1. Generate Integer Wave ; 2. Filter Integer Wave (If needed) ; 3. Scale wave based on pitch ; 4. Convert Integer wave into 8-bit char wave ; 5. Multiply char wave by amplitude (Attack, sustain, decay, release yadda yadda yadda) ;----------=[Wav Functions]=----------; ; Functions for the "raw" integer form of wave ; make-sine: does [ repeat x 512 [ poke wav x (127 * sine x - 1 / 512 * 360) + 128 ] ] make-sine2: does [ repeat x 512 [ poke wav x (127 * (sine x - 1 / 512 * 360) * (sine x - 1 / 128 * 360)) + 128 ] ] make-random: does [ repeat x 512 [ poke wav x random 255 ] ] make-tri: does [ repeat x 512 [ poke wav x (to-integer x / 2) + 127 and 255 ] ] fill-gap: func [wav x1 x2 /local dx] [ ;fills up gaps caused when freehand drawing with mouse dx: x2 - x1 - 1 if any [zero? dx dx = -1] [exit] y: pick wav x1 if not y [exit] y2: pick wav x2 slope: to-integer (y2 - y) / dx if dx < 0 [x1: x2] repeat x abs dx [ poke wav x1 + x y y: y + slope ] ] scale-wav: func [wav size /local dx x new-wav] [ size: to-integer size * length? wav size: max 1 size new-wav: array size dx: (length? wav) / size x: 1.0 repeat n size [ poke new-wav n pick wav to-integer x x: x + dx ] new-wav ] smooth-wav: func [wav block wave-disp color] [ wav: next wav forall wav [ if tail? skip wav 2 [break] change wav to-integer wav/-1 + wav/1 + wav/2 / 3 ] ] ;----------=[Wave Functions]=----------; shape-wav: func [wave adsr /local dx val mul] [ dx: (length? wave) / length? adsr repeat n length? wave [ mul: any [pick adsr 1 + to-integer n / dx 0] mul: 255 - mul val: to-integer pick wave n poke wave n to char! val * mul / 256 ] ] generate-wave: func [time] [ clear sample/data clear wave time: to-integer time * 44200 foreach n nwav [ if error? try [append wave to char! n][ ;converts the integer wave to 8-bit char format ?? n halt ] ] while [(length? sample/data) < time] [append sample/data wave] ] asdr: func [wave blk /local as an n ad] [ as: 0 an: 0 n: 1 foreach [l a] blk [ ad: a - as / (l * length? wave) as: a loop to-integer l * length? wave [ an: an + ad poke wave n to-integer 1 - an * 255 n: n + 1 ] ] ] ;----------=[Plot Functions]=----------; plot: func [wav block color /bias /local y] [ clear block append block reduce ['pen color 'line] n: pick [128 256] found? bias repeat x 512 [ y: pick wav x append block reduce [as-pair x n as-pair x y] ] append draw-block [pen white line 0x128 512x128] ] ;----------=[Sound Playing Functions]=----------; play-sound: does [ nwav: scale-wav wav pitch-slide/data generate-wave time shape-wav sample/data amp insert sound-port sample wait sound-port ] ;----------=[Commonly Used Functions]=----------; refresh-wave: does [ plot/bias wav draw-block orange if wave-disp [show wave-disp] ] refresh-amp: does [ plot amp amp-block leaf if amp-disp [show amp-disp] ] ;----------=[Inits And Globals]=----------; wav: array/initial 512 128 amp: array/initial 512 255 sound-port: open sound:// sample: make sound [ rate: 44200 channels: 1 bits: 8 volume: 1.0 data: #{} ] prior-x: 1 time: 1 nwav: wav wave: [] draw-block: [] amp-block: [] wave-disp: none amp-disp: none make-sine refresh-wave asdr amp [.2 1 .1 .5 .5 .4 .2 0] refresh-amp ;----------=[GUI]=----------; GUI: layout [ style lab lab 50x15 white style text text white style box box edge [size: 2x2 color: white effect: [bevel]] backdrop black across size 800x730 origin 0x0 Title white "Kurtsynth Sound Demo" return box 780x2 white return text font-size 13 bold "Wave Properties" return wave-disp: box black 512x256 feel [ engage: func [face action event /local x] [ if find [down away] action [prior-x: event/offset/x] if find [down over] action [ x: event/offset/x + 1 poke wav x event/offset/y fill-gap wav prior-x x prior-x: x plot/bias wav draw-block orange show face ] ] ] effect [draw draw-block] indent 22 btn 110x30 "Triangle" [make-tri refresh-wave] btn 110x30 "Random" [make-random refresh-wave] at 542x45 btn "Sine" 110x30 [make-sine refresh-wave] btn 110x30 "Sine * 2" [make-sine2 refresh-wave] at 542x113 btn "Smooth" 110x30 [smooth-wav wav draw-block wave-disp orange refresh-wave] btn "Clear" 110x30 [ clear draw-block wav: array/initial 512 128 refresh-wave ] at 512x154 lab "Pitch:" pitch-slide: slider 200x15 [ if zero? value [exit] nwav: scale-wav wav value set-face pitch-view round value * 100 ] with [data: .5] at 765x150 pitch-view: field 30x20 "50" [ value: attempt [to-integer face/text] if value [ value: max 1 min 100 value set-face pitch-slide value / 100 face/text: form value show face ] ] at 512x184 lab "Length:" time-slide: slider 200x15 [ if zero? value [exit] time: value * 2 set-face time-view round/to value * 2 .1 ] with [data: .5] at 765x180 time-view: field 30x20 "1.0" [ value: attempt [to-integer face/text] if value [ value: max .00001 min 2 value set-face time-slide value * 2 face/text: form value show face ] ] at 542x210 btn 227x50 "Save Wave Pattern" [ file: request-file/save/only if not file [exit] save file wav alert "Waveform saved!" ] at 542x270 btn 227x50 "Load Wave Pattern" [ file: request-file/only if not file [exit] w: attempt [load file] if w [wav: w] refresh-wave ] return box 780x2 white return text font-size 13 bold "Amplitude (Attack Sustain Release Decay) Properties" return amp-disp: box black 512x256 feel [ engage: func [face action event /local x] [ if find [down away] action [prior-x: event/offset/x] if find [down over] action [ x: event/offset/x + 1 poke amp x event/offset/y fill-gap amp prior-x x prior-x: x plot amp amp-block leaf show face ] ] ] effect [draw amp-block] return at 542x380 btn 110x30 "Flat" [ amp: array/initial 512 128 refresh-amp ] btn 110x30 "Guitar" [asdr amp [.1 1 .05 .8 .55 .4 .3 0] refresh-amp] at 542x414 btn 110x30 "Woodwind" [asdr amp [.15 1 .45 .8 .2 .3 .2 0] refresh-amp] btn 110x30 "Percussion" [asdr amp [.1 1 .05 .1 .85 0] refresh-amp] at 542x448 btn 110x30 "Triangular" [asdr amp [.5 1 .5 0] refresh-amp] btn 110x30 "Vibrating" [asdr amp [.2 1 .05 .7 .05 1 .05 .7 .05 1 .05 .7 .05 .9 .1 .6 .1 .8 .15 .4 .15 .6] refresh-amp] at 542x482 btn "Clear" 110x30 [amp: array/initial 512 255 refresh-amp] btn 110x30 "Smooth" [smooth-wav amp amp-block amp-disp leaf refresh-amp] at 542x517 btn 227x50 "Save Amplitude" [ file: request-file/save/only if not file [exit] save file amp alert "Amplitude saved!" ] at 542x577 btn 227x50 "Load Amplitude" [ file: request-file/only if not file [exit] a: attempt [load file] if a [amp: a] refresh-amp ] return box 780x2 white return text font-size 13 bold "Other Options" return btn-enter 110x30 "Play Sound (F5)" keycode 'f5 [ play-sound ] lab 80"Master Vol:" slider 160x30 coal water [ sample/volume: value ] with [data: 1] btn 110x30 "Help" [view/new help?] btn 110x30 "About:" [alert "KurtSynth sound synthesizer demonstration. Author: Kurt Sassenrath"] return box 780x2 white ] help?: layout [ backdrop black vh1 white "Help for Kurtsynth" text white 300 "To edit a wave or asdr customly, simply click in the box and drag the mouse. To make smoother paths, drag slower. For jagged paths, drag quickly. Beware that when you go out of the box on the right side that you might get an error. You can save and load your waves. I hope you enjoy this program. You can email me at" ] view GUI