REBOL [ Title: "Cross-Platform Rebol Code Editor" File: "code.r" Author: "Francois Jouen" Email: "" Copyright: "(c) 2006, François Jouen" Rights: {BSD License Copyright (c) 2006, François Jouen All rights reserved. Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are met: * Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. * Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution. * Neither the name of the nor the names of its contributors may be used to endorse or promote products derived from this software without specific prior written permission. THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS "AS IS" AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE COPYRIGHT OWNER OR CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE.} ] sv*: system/view ssize: sv*/screen-face/size xmax: ssize/1 - 200 ymax: ssize/2 - 200 set 'app-dir what-dir count: tn-lines: n-char: tn-pages: tn-words: tn-paras: tn-files: tn-chars: n-page: 0 n-line: pindex: n-line-page: tn-pages: n-char: 1 font-size: 14 line-height: 16 tmp-list: [] tmp-files: [] xy: 0x35 tr: 128 cl: to-tuple reduce [255 0 0 tr] cx: xmax - 251 cy: line-height + 4 bxs: to-pair reduce [cx cy] line-list: make sv*/line-info [] lcursor: copy [ fill-pen cl pen none box 0x0 bxs ] quit-requested: does [ if (confirm/with "Really quit this program ?" ["Yes" "No"]) [quit] ] Read-Config: does [ if error? try [ initfile: read/Lines join app-dir "editor.ini" rebol-location: initfile/1]; evaluateur rebol [rebol-location: system/options/boot] ] Write-Config: does [ write join app-dir "editor.ini" rebol-location ] Select-Rebol: does [ dest: request-text/title/default " Where is Rebol ? " to-string rebol-location if not none? dest [ if not empty? dest [ rebol-location: to-string dest Write-Config Read-Config] ] ] Run: does [ if error? try [ str: join "Loading " fname fl: flash str wait 0.5 call reduce [rebol-location " " Fname] unview/only fl] [unview/only fl] ] About_Box: layout [ space 0x15 across H2 200x48 "Cross-Platform Rebol Code Editor" center wrap return credits: text white navy bold center 200x60 "Brought to the Rebol Community by François Jouen/Rebol France 2006" return pad 80 btn "OK" [hide-popup] ] Calculate-pages: does [ clear lcount/text ;calculate line height line-height: font-size + second (current/para/margin) ;calculate total number of lines tmp: (second (size-text current) / line-height) - 2 for count 0 tmp 1 [append lcount/text join count + 1 newline] append lcount/text tmp + 2 tn-lines: tmp + 1 ;get number of line per page n-line-page: round (current/size/y / line-height) ;get total number of pages tn-pages: round tn-lines / n-line-page tmp: remainder tn-lines n-line-page if tmp <> 0 [tn-pages: tn-pages + 1] tn-chars: to-integer length? current/text tn-pages: tn-pages + 1 show [Lcount] ] Get-File-Info: does [ Calculate-pages n-page: 0 current/text: head current/text lcount/text: head lcount/text current/line-list: lcount/line-list: none ; get some information about file tn-chars: length? current/text tn-words: parse current/text none tn-paras: parse/all current/text "^/" SBar2/text: join "Length: " tn-chars n-line: n-char: 0 if error? try [result: textinfo current line-list n-line] [result: none] sbar3/text: join "Ln " [n-line + 1 ", " line-list/num-chars " chars"] sbar4/text: n-page + 1 sbar5/text: tn-pages show [Lcount SBar2 Sbar3 SBar4 Sbar5 bx] ] update-scroller: func [lines] [ if lines [either sl/data = 0 [n-page 0 nline: 0] [n-line: to-integer sl/data * (tn-lines) n-page: to-integer sl/data * (tn-pages - 1)] ] if error? try [line-list/num-chars: 0 result: textinfo current line-list n-line] [result: none] sbar3/text: join "Ln " [n-line + 1 ", " line-list/num-chars " chars"] sbar4/text: n-page + 1 sbar5/text: tn-pages y: round (second (current/size) - line-height * sl/data) limite: current/size/y - (line-height + 4) if y >= limite [y: limite] bx/offset: current/offset + as-pair 0 y scroll-para lcount sl current/para/scroll/y: lcount/para/scroll/y show [ bx lcount sl sbar3 sbar4 sbar5 current] focus sl ] get-key: func [akey] [ if tn-chars > 0 [ tmp: to-integer length? sv*/caret n-char: (tn-chars - tmp) + 1 cc: pick current/text n-char Calculate-pages if equal? akey 'end [sl/data: 1 n-line: tn-lines n-char: tmp n-page: tn-pages - 1 update-scroller false] if equal? akey 'home [sl/data: 0 n-line: 0 n-char: 1 n-page: 0 update-scroller false] if equal? akey 'page-down [ either n-page >= tn-pages [npage: tn-pages - 1] [n-page: n-page + 1] n-line: n-line + n-line-page if (n-line > tn-lines) [n-line: tn-lines] sl/data: n-line / tn-lines update-scroller false ] if equal? akey 'page-up [ either n-page <= 0 [n-page: 0] [n-page: n-page - 1] n-line: n-line - n-line-page if (n-line <= 0) [n-line: 0] sl/data: n-line / tn-lines update-scroller false ] if equal? akey 'down [ n-line: n-line + 1 if (n-line > tn-lines) [n-line: tn-lines] sl/data: n-line / tn-lines update-scroller false n-line2: mod n-line n-line-page if equal? n-line2 0 [n-page: n-page + 1] ] if equal? akey 'up [ n-line: n-line - 1 if n-line <= 0 [n-line: 0 n-page: 1] sl/data: n-line / tn-lines update-scroller false n-line2: mod n-line n-line-page if equal? n-line2 0 [n-page: n-page - 1] ] if equal? akey 'right [ cc: pick current/text n-char ] if equal? akey 'left [ cc: pick current/text n-char ] ] ] Read-File: does [ clear current/text clear lcount/text current/text: read to-file fname set [path file] split-path fname SBar1/text: to-local-file fname current/line-list: lcount/line-list: none sl/data: 0 update-scroller false n-line: n-char: 1 show [SBar1 sl current] ] Save-File: does [ if tn-files > 0[ if (confirm/with join "Save File " [FName " ?"] ["Yes" "No"]) [write to-file fname current/text] ] ] Write-File: does [ if tn-files > 0[ afile: request-file/file/filter/save Fname "*.r" if not none? afile [sfname: first afile write to-file sfname current/text] ] ] New-File: does [ afile: request-file/filter/save "*.r" if not none? afile [ fname: first afile set [path file] split-path first afile clear current/text clear lcount/text buf: reform join "REBOL [" [ newline "Title: Demo" newline "File: " to-local-file fname newline "Author: " system/user/name newline "Email: " system/user/email newline "Date: " now newline "]" newline] append current/text buf write to-file fname current/text append tmp-list first afile buffer: copy current/text append/only tmp-files buffer set [path file] split-path first afile append Fliste/data file append clear FListe/picked file tn-files: tn-files + 1 show FLIste Get-File-Info n-line: 8 n-char: length? buf sbar3/text: join "Ln " [n-line ", Ch " n-char] SBar1/text: to-local-file fname show [SBar1 SBar3] focus current ] ] Open-File: does [ afile: request-file/filter "*.r" if not none? afile [ if error? try [ forall afile [ fname: first afile Read-File buffer: copy current/text append/only tmp-files buffer set [path file] split-path first afile append tmp-list afile append Fliste/data file append clear FListe/picked file Get-File-Info focus current sv*/caret: head current/text show [current Fliste] tn-files: tn-files + 1] ] [Alert "Error"] ] ] Select-File: does [ clear current/text clear lcount/text buffer: pick tmp-files pindex current/text: copy buffer set [path file] split-path fname SBar1/text: to-local-file fname current/line-list: lcount/line-list: none sl/data: 0 update-scroller false n-line: n-char: 1 show [SBar1 sl current] Get-File-Info focus current sv*/caret: head current/text ] Close-File: does [ if tn-files > 0 [ if (confirm/with join "Close file " [fname " ?"] ["Yes" "No"]) [ clear current/text clear LCount/text current/line-list: lcount/line-list: none remove at tmp-list pindex remove at tmp-files pindex remove at FListe/data pindex tn-files: tn-files - 1 either tn-files > 0 [ either tn-files > 1 [pindex: tn-files] [ pindex: 1] FName: pick tmp-list pindex Select-File append clear FListe/picked pick FListe/data pindex ] [hide bx] show [current lcount FListe]] ] ] find-text: func [s /local atext] [ either all [ not atext: find next sv*/caret s not atext: find current/text s] [Alert join s " not found" unfocus return none ] [ tmp: length? atext n-char: (tn-chars - tmp) + 1 sv*/caret: atext sv*/highlight-start: sv*/caret sv*/highlight-end: skip sv*/highlight-start length? s xy: (caret-to-offset current atext) - current/para/scroll lcount/para/scroll/y: current/para/scroll/y: second min 0x0 current/size / 2 - xy n-line: to-integer (xy/y / (font-size + 2)) + 1 ratio: n-line / tn-lines sl/data: ratio show [current lcount sl] sbar3/text: join "Ln " [n-line ", Ch " n-char] show SBar3 ] ] Resize-Window: does [ ssize: sv*/screen-face/size xmax: ssize/1 - 200 ymax: ssize/2 - 200 abox/size: MainWin/size ToolBar/size/x: MainWin/size/x FListe/size/x: 190 FListe/resize/y MainWin/size/y - 75 FListe/offset: 5x35 LCount/size/x: 40 Lcount/size/y: Lcount/parent-face/size/y - 75 LCount/Offset: 195x35 Current/size/x: MainWin/size/x - 235 - 16 Current/size/y: MainWin/size/y - 75 Current/Offset: 235x35 sl/size/y: MainWin/size/y - 75 sl/offset: as-pair (235 + Current/size/x) 35 SBar1/Size/x: 235 SBar1/offset: as-pair 0 MainWin/size/y - 35 SBar2/offset: as-pair 240 MainWin/size/y - 35 SBar3/offset: as-pair 345 MainWin/size/y - 35 SBar4/offset: as-pair 450 MainWin/size/y - 35 SBar5/offset: as-pair 485 MainWin/size/y - 35 SBar6/offset: as-pair 520 MainWin/size/y - 35 SBar7/offset: as-pair 625 MainWin/size/y - 35 cx: MainWin/size/x - 251 cy: line-height bxs: to-pair reduce [cx cy] bx/size/x: cx bx/size/y: cy show [abox Fliste ToolBar Lcount Current sl SBar1 SBar2 SBar3 SBar4 SBar5 SBar6 SBar7] if tn-files > 0 [show bx] ] MainWin: layout [ across origin 0x0 at 0x0 abox: box as-pair xmax ymax + 70 ivory space 5x5 at 0x0 ToolBar: box as-pair xmax 30 at 5x35 FListe: text-list as-pair 190 Ymax black white [pindex: face/cnt FName: pick tmp-list pindex Select-File] at 195x35 lcount: area as-pair 40 YMax right white white font [size: font-size] at 235x35 current: area as-pair (xmax - 235 - 16) ymax white white wrap font [size: font-size] at as-pair 235 + (xmax - 235 - 16) 35 sl: slider as-pair 16 ymax [if tn-files > 0 [update-scroller true]] at as-pair 0 (ymax + 40) SBar1: info as-pair 235 30 left "No File" font [size: 10] wrap at as-pair 240 (ymax + 40) SBar2: info as-pair 100 30 center "" font [size: 10] at as-pair 345 (ymax + 40) SBar3: info as-pair 100 30 center "" font [size: 10] at as-pair 450 (ymax + 40) SBar4: info as-pair 30 30 center "" font [size: 10] at as-pair 485 (ymax + 40) SBar5: info as-pair 30 30 center "" font [size: 10] at as-pair 520 (ymax + 40) SBar6: info as-pair 100 30 center mold now/date font [size: 10] at as-pair 625 (ymax + 40) SBar7: info as-pair 50 30 center mold now/time font [size: 10] with [rate: 1] at 5x5 b1: btn "New" [New-File] b2: btn 50 "Open" [Open-File] b3: btn 50 "Close" [Close-File] b4: btn 50 "Save" [Save-File] b5: btn 50 "Save as" [Write-File] b6: btn 50 "Find" [if tn-files > 0 [show current Find-text qr/text]] qr: field 150 "Rebol" white white [unfocus focus current sv*/caret: head current/text] b7: btn 50 "Run" [if tn-files > 0 [Run]] b8: btn "Preferences" [Select-Rebol] b9: btn "About" [ if error? try [inform/title About_Box "Hello"] [inform About_Box]] bt10: btn "Help" [if error? try [do-thru] ["No connected to the Internet"]] b11: btn "Quit" [quit-requested] at 235x35 bx: box as-pair (xmax - 251) (line-height + 4) effect [draw lcursor] ] Read-Config center-face MainWin view/new/options MainWin [resize] deflag-face current tabbed; permet les tabulations dans la visualisation hide bx insert-event-func [ switch event/type [ key [get-key event/key] time [Sbar7/text: mold now/time show SBar7 Calculate-pages] resize [Resize-Window] maximize [Resize-Window] ;restore [] scroll-line [] ;scroll-n-page [] ] if all [event/type = 'alt-down] [] if all [event/type = 'close event/face = MainWin][quit-requested] event ] do-events