REBOL [ Title: "Chat Room" Date: 30-Jan-2006 Version: 1.0.0 License: BSD File: %ftp_chat.r Author: "Nick Antonaccio" Purpose: trim {Simple multiroom, multiuser chat. No server configuration required.} eMail: Web: Note: trim { Taken from the beginner's tutorial at } ] webserver: to-url request-text/title/default trim { Web Server Address:} {} name: request-text/title "Enter your name:" cls: does [prin "^(1B)[J"] write/append webserver join now [ ": " name " has entered the room." newline ] forever [ current-chat: read webserver cls print join "--------------------------------------------------" [ newline {You are logged in as: } name newline {Type "room" to switch chat rooms.} newline {Type "lock" to pause/lock your chat.} newline {Type "quit" to end your chat.} newline {Type "clear" to erase the current chat.} newline {Press [ENTER] to periodically update the display.} newline "--------------------------------------------------" newline] print join "Here's the current chat text at: " [webserver newline] print current-chat sent-message: copy join name [ " says: " entered-text: ask "You say: " ] switch/default entered-text [ "quit" [break] "clear" [ if/else request-pass = ["secret" "password"] [ write webserver ""] [alert trim { You must know the administrator password to clear the room!} ] ] "room" [ write/append webserver join now [ ": " name " has left the room." newline] webserver: to-url request-text/title/default {New Web Server Address:} to-string webserver write/append webserver join now [ ": " name " has entered the room." newline ] ] "lock" [ alert trim {The program will now pause for 5 seconds. You'll need the correct username and password to continue.} pause-time: now/time + 5 forever [if now/time = pause-time [ while [request-pass <> ["secret" "password"]] [ alert "Incorrect password - look in the source!" ] break ] ] ] ] [if entered-text <> "" [ write/append webserver join sent-message [newline ]]] ] cls print "Goodbye!" write/append webserver join now [": " name " has closed chat." newline] wait 1