REBOL [ Title: "Guitar Chord Diagram Maker" Date: 30-Jan-2006 Version: 1.0.0 License: BSD File: %guitar_chord_diagram_maker.r Author: "Nick Antonaccio" Purpose: {Creates and prints guitar chord charts.} eMail: Web: Note: { Taken from the beginner's tutorial at } ] fretboard: load 64#{ iVBORw0KGgoAAAANSUhEUgAAAFUAAABkCAIAAAB4sesFAAAACXBIWXMAAAsTAAAL EwEAmpwYAAAA2UlEQVR4nO3YQQqDQBAF0XTIwXtuNjfrLITs0rowGqbqbRWxEEL+ RFU9wJ53v8DN7Gezn81+NvvZXv3liLjmPX6n/4NL//72s9l/QGbWd5m53dbc8/kR uv5RJ/QvzH42+9nsZ7OfzX62nfOPzZzzyNUxxh8+qhfVHo94/rM49y+b/Wz2s9nP Zj+b/WzuX/cvmfuXzX42+9nsZ7OfzX4296/7l8z9y2Y/m/1s9rPZz2Y/m/vX/Uvm /mWzn81+NvvZ7Gezn8396/4l2/n+y6N/f/vZ7Gezn81+tjenRWXD3TC8nAAAAABJ RU5ErkJggg== } barimage: load 64#{ iVBORw0KGgoAAAANSUhEUgAAAEoAAAAFCAIAAABtvO2fAAAACXBIWXMAAAsTAAAL EwEAmpwYAAAAHElEQVR4nGNsaGhgGL6AaaAdQFsw6r2hDIa59wCf/AGKgzU3RwAA AABJRU5ErkJggg== } dot: load 64#{ iVBORw0KGgoAAAANSUhEUgAAAAoAAAAKCAIAAAACUFjqAAAACXBIWXMAAAsTAAAL EwEAmpwYAAAAFElEQVR4nGNsaGhgwA2Y8MiNYGkA22EBlPG3fjQAAAAASUVORK5C YII= } ; The routine below was copied from ; movestyle: [ engage: func [face action event] [ if action = 'down [ face/data: event/offset remove find face/parent-face/pane face append face/parent-face/pane face ] if find [over away] action [ face/offset: face/offset + event/offset - face/data ] show face ] ] gui: [ backdrop white currentfretboard: image fretboard 255x300 currentbar: image barimage 240x15 feel movestyle text "INSTRUCTIONS:" underline text "Drag dots and other widgets onto the fretboard." across text "Resize the fretboard:" tab rotary "255x300" "170x200" "85x100" [ currentfretboard/size: to-pair value show currentfretboard switch value [ "255x300" [currentbar/size: 240x15 show currentbar] "170x200" [currentbar/size: 160x10 show currentbar] "85x100" [currentbar/size: 80x5 show currentbar] ] ] return button "Save Diagram" [ filename: to-file request-file/save/file "1.png" save/png filename to-image currentfretboard ] tab button "Print" [ filelist: sort request-file/title "Select image(s) to print:" html: copy "" foreach file filelist [ append html rejoin [ {} ] ] append html [] write %chords.html trim/auto html browse %chords.html ] ] loop 50 [append gui [at 275x50 image dot 30x30 feel movestyle]] loop 50 [append gui [at 275x100 image dot 20x20 feel movestyle]] loop 50 [append gui [at 275x140 image dot 10x10 feel movestyle]] loop 6 [append gui [at 273x165 text "X" bold feel movestyle]] loop 6 [append gui [at 273x185 text "O" bold feel movestyle]] view layout gui