rebol [ Author: "Robert M. Münch" Title: "Wikipedia-On-The-Go" Version: 1.0.0 Date: 29-Jan-2006 Info: {Entry for the Rebol programming contest 2006.} ] if system/product == 'Link [ alert "This program requires Rebol View 1.3 or above. Pleas start through: open with... or öffnen mit..." quit ] ;--- general setup for debugging ; link-root: first split-path first split-path system/script/path ; do link-root/framework/anamonitor300.r ;--- Initialization wiki-dir: %_wikipedia/ if not exists? wiki-dir [make-dir wiki-dir] scroll-panel-vert: func [pnl bar][ pnl/pane/offset/y: negate bar/data * (max 0 pnl/pane/size/y - pnl/size/y) show pnl ] ;--- Rich-Text Rendering set-face-style: func [face style' /c colors'] [ face/font: make face/font [ style: either block? style [union style style'] [style'] colors: none ] if c [ face/font/colors: reduce colors' face/font/color: first face/font/colors ] ] get-text-size: func [word][ size-text make face [text: decode 1 word para: make para [origin: margin: 0x0 wrap?: false]] ] add-output-face: func[word style /http link /local tmp strings right-side][ ; skip empty stuff if any [none? word empty? word] [return] ; handle linefeeds but don't create a face if all [word = "^/"] ; pos/x > 0] [ pos/y: pos/y + 20 ; second size-text make face [text: word] pos/x: 0 return ] ; break long text lines to fit face boundaries ; for this the text will be broken into blocks of strings strings: make block! [] right-side: 15 if (to-integer first get-text-size word) > (output-face/size/x - right-side) [ tmp: copy "" foreach part parse word "" [ either ((to-integer first get-text-size rejoin [tmp " " part]) + 3) > (output-face/size/x - right-side) [ ; handle face overflow append/only strings tmp ; continue next round tmp: part ] [ ; append to tmp string as long as possible repend tmp [" " part] ] ] ] ; if empty use input text otherwise add last round as well either empty? strings [append/only strings word] [append/only strings tmp] ; build richt-text face foreach part strings [ insert tail output-face/pane make face [ pane: none state: none offset: pos text: decode 1 part variants: make block! [] switch style [ link [ ; wiki link is blue and hovered with red set-face-style/c self [underline] [blue red] feel: svv/vid-feel/hot action: func [face value][ ; get clicked word and find out, which language to download sw: face/text foreach e wikilinks/user-data [ if found? find/any e join sw "*" [append variants e] ] either (length? variants) = 1 [load-wikipedia create-wiki-word variants/1] [ tmp: request-list "Select Wikipedia variant to download:" variants load-wikipedia create-wiki-word tmp ] ; update selection downloaded/picked: rejoin [copy sw "_" get-face wlc] show downloaded/update wikilinks/picked: reduce [copy sw] show wikilinks/update ] ] bold [ set-face-style self [bold] ] italic [ set-face-style self [italic] ] heading [ set-face-style self [bold underline] self/font: make self/font [size: 16] ] http-link [ set-face-style/c self [underline] [red blue] feel: svv/vid-feel/hot action: func [face value] reduce compose [ 'browse (link) ] ] sub-heading [ set-face-style self [bold] self/font: make self/font [size: 14] ] ] para: make para [origin: margin: 0x0 wrap?: false] size: (size-text self) + 0x4 if any [style = 'link style = 'italic style = 'bold][size: size + 2x0] if (pos/x + size/x) > (output-face/size/x - output-face/para/origin/x - output-face/para/margin/x) [ pos/y: pos/y + size/y pos/x: 0 offset: pos ; set height of output-pane face to new y-position output-face/size/y: pos/y ; trim space at first position text: trim/head text ] pos/x: pos/x + size/x ; + space/x ] ] ] ;--- Support Functions ;-- WikiWord and language identifier handling create-wiki-word: func [taged-wikiword /local splitted joined lang][ splitted: parse/all taged-wikiword "_" ; strip language identifier if all [(length? splitted) > 1 (length? last splitted) = 2][ lang: copy last splitted remove back tail splitted ; set actual language to stripped language set-face wlc wlc/text: lang ] ; handle block structure joined: copy "" foreach e splitted [ repend joined [e "_"] ] remove back tail joined return joined ] ;-- UTF handling udata: [0 192 224 240 248 252] decode: func [ { Decode a UTF-8 encoded string into UCS-k string, where k = 1, 2, 4. Encoded strings which originated from Latin-1 can be decoded with k = 1, 2, or 4. Other encoded Latin-m (m > 1) strings can be decoded either with k = 2 or k = 4, but not with k = 1. } k [integer!] xs [string!] /local m x c result [string!] ][ result: make string! (length? xs) * k ; attemps required, because function sometimes fails and I don't know why while [not tail? xs][ x: first xs either x < 128 [ insert insert/dup tail result #"^@" k - 1 x ][ m: 8 - length? find enbase/base to binary! x 2 #"0" x: x xor pick udata m attempt [loop m - 1 [x: 64 * x + (63 and first xs: next xs)]] result: tail result loop k - 1 [ insert result to char! x and 255 x: x and -256 / 256 ] attempt [insert result to char! x] ] xs: next xs ] head result ; return as much as possible ] time-it: use [last-time] [ last-time: none duration: 0 func [] [ if last-time [duration: now/time/precise - last-time] last-time: now/time/precise return duration ] ] ;-- Wikipedia functions get-wikipedia-word: func [word /local tmp wikipedia-link wikipedia-special][ tmp: "" wikipedia-link: rejoin [ http:// lowercase copy get-face wlc ""] wikipedia-special: switch/default get-face wlc [ "DE" ["Spezial:Export"] ]["Special:Export"] attempt [tmp: read/custom wikipedia-link reduce ['post rejoin ["title=" wikipedia-special "&action=submit&pages=" word "&curonly=true"]]] return tmp ] get-content: func [string start-pattern end-pattern /local start end][ start: find/tail string start-pattern end: find string end-pattern return attempt [copy/part start ((index? end) - (index? start))] ] load-wikipedia: func [entry /local-file /local filename page title text downloaded?][ if any [none? entry empty? entry][return false] ; already downloaded? either local-file [ ; local-file so remove language tag filename: rejoin [wiki-dir entry %.txt] set-face wlc wlc/text: last parse entry "_" set-face searchword entry ] [ ; filename to save downloaded content to filename: rejoin [wiki-dir to-file entry "_" get-face wlc %.txt] ] either exists? filename [ text: decompress load filename downloaded?: false ] [ ;--set GUI info field set-face cdl entry time-it page: get-wikipedia-word entry set-face dlt time-it set-face cdl "" downloaded?: true ;-- extract content title: get-content page text: get-content page ] either none? text [ if not get-face adl [alert reform ["Entry for:" entry "not found."]] return false ] [ ;-- parse wiki-content, has to follow the download? handling because at the end of the parsing ; the wikilinks/user-data list is updated parse/all text wiki-rules ;-- store content if downloaded if downloaded? [ save/all filename compress trim output fi: info? filename set-face lwas fi/size + to-integer get-face lwas ; update our downloaded list entry: rejoin [entry "_" get-face wlc] set-face searchword entry if not found? find downloaded/user-data entry [ append downloaded/user-data entry set-face lwa rejoin ["Local Wikipedia Articles (" length? downloaded/user-data ") :"] ] ; hightlight just downloaded entry set-face downloaded entry ] ;-- update wikilinks list ; first merge wiki-links found in text than exclude allready downloaded wikiwords wikilinks/user-data: union wikilinks/user-data links wikilinks/user-data: sort exclude wikilinks/user-data downloaded/user-data save/all %_auto-dl-links.r wikilinks/user-data set-face wl rejoin ["Further Links to follow (" length? wikilinks/user-data ") :"] set-face rdl length? wikilinks/user-data set-face s1 0 wikitext/pane output-face ; output is filled by parsing inside load-wikipedia scroll-panel-vert wikitext s1 ; f1 is the filter field for the downloaded wikipedia article list filter-list f1 filter-list f2 ; apply filter return true ] ] ;-- filter functions filter-list: func [face /local list flist e][ list: get face/user-data/1 list/data: make block! [] either empty? face/text [list/data: list/user-data] [ foreach e list/user-data [ if found? find e face/text [insert list/data e] ] ] ; update textlist, we need to simulate a click on the "up-arrow" sort list/data list/sld/pane/2/action list/sld/pane/2 0 show list/update ] ;--- Parse Rules output: copy "" output-tmp: copy "" links: make block! [] space: size-text make face [para: make para [origin: margin: 0x0] text: " "] pos: 0x0 handle-output-tmp: does [ append output output-tmp add-output-face output-tmp 'text clear output-tmp ] nochar: charset " ^-^/[]" chars: complement nochar wiki-rules: [ ; initializing done for each parsing ( ; clear txt holder clear output clear output-tmp clear links ; setup new rich-text-face clear output-face/pane output-face/pane: make block! [] pos: 0x0 ) some [ "[[" copy word to "]]" 2 skip ( handle-output-tmp if not none? word [ ; replace special chars replace word "%28" "(" replace word "%29" ")" ] ; check if link already present if all [ not none? word not empty? word (length? parse/all word ":") = 1 ][ ; check to see if we have alternativ entries and use the first one word: first parse/all word "|" ; check to see if an anchor point is given and if just use the page word: first parse/all word "#" ; and add to output in all cases repend output ["[[" word "]]"] ; build rich-text face add-output-face word 'link ; add language identifier word: rejoin [decode 1 word "_" get-face wlc] ; add to found links of not already done if not found? find links word [append/only links word] ] ) | "#REDIRECT [[" copy word to "]]" 2 skip (load-wikipedia create-wiki-word word) | "'''" copy word to "'''" 3 skip ( handle-output-tmp repend output ["'''" word "'''"] add-output-face word 'bold ) | "''" copy word to "''" 2 skip ( handle-output-tmp repend output ["''" word "''"] add-output-face word 'italic ) | "{{" thru "}}" | "===" copy word to "===" 3 skip ( handle-output-tmp repend output ["===" word "==="] add-output-face trim word 'sub-heading ) | "==" copy word to "==" 2 skip ( handle-output-tmp repend output ["==" word "=="] add-output-face trim word 'heading ) | "[http://" copy link some chars [" " copy word to "]" 1 skip | to "]" 1 skip (word: link)] ( handle-output-tmp repend output ["[http://" link " " word "]" ] add-output-face/http word 'http-link link ) | "<!--" thru ">" | "<" (append output-tmp "<") | ">" (append output-tmp ">") | """ (append output-tmp {"}) | "&times;" (append output-tmp " x ") | "&nbsp;" | "%28" (append output-tmp "(") | "%29" (append output-tmp ")") | newline ( handle-output-tmp append output-tmp newline handle-output-tmp ) | c: skip ( c: first c if all [ (to-integer c) <> 226 (to-integer c) <> 158 (to-integer c) <> 156 (to-integer c) <> 129 (to-integer c) <> 128 ][append output-tmp c] ) ] ; some ] ;--- Program GUI sw: none ; searchword main-gui: layout [ style filter field 220x22 feel [ engage: func [face act event] [ switch act [ down [ either equal? face system/view/focal-face [unlight-text] [focus/no-show face] caret: offset-to-caret face event/offset show face ] over [ if not-equal? caret offset-to-caret face event/offset [ if not highlight-start [highlight-start: caret] highlight-end: caret: offset-to-caret face event/offset show face ] ] key [ system/words/ctx-text/edit-text face event get in face 'action filter-list face ] ] ] ] style updateable-text-list text-list with [update-slider: does [sld/redrag lc / max 1 length? head lines]] at 10x10 h1 "Wikipedia-On-The-Go Client" guide return across at 10x50 label "Search Word:" indent 10 searchword: field "Ajax" 350x22 [ hide wikihelp show wikitext ; get current searchword load-wikipedia create-wiki-word get-face searchword ] search: btn "Search" [ hide wikihelp show wikitext ; get current searchword load-wikipedia create-wiki-word get-face searchword ] btn "Help" [ either wikihelp/show? [hide wikihelp show wikitext] [hide wikitext show wikihelp] ] return label "Language:" indent 28 wlc: choice 50x20 base-color "DE" "EN" "FR" "SV" "NL" "PL" "PT" "IT" "SP" "NO" return label "Auto Download:" adl: check label "Random Download:" ardl: check indent 33 text "References To Download:" indent -5 rdl: text 150x20 return at 10x128 bar 510 below at 10x130 lwa: label 220x20 "Local Wikipedia Articles:" downloaded: text-list 220x500 [ hide wikihelp show wikitext load-wikipedia/local-file copy first get-face downloaded ] return at 240x130 label "Wikipedia Text" wikitext: box 550x500 frame at 240x157 wikihelp: area 550x500 wrap at 790x156 s1: scroller 16x501 [scroll-panel-vert wikitext s1] return at 815x130 wl: label 220x20 "Referenced Links to follow:" wikilinks: text-list 220x500 [ hide wikihelp show wikitext sw: copy first get-face wikilinks load-wikipedia create-wiki-word sw ; update selection ; downloaded/picked: rejoin [copy sw "_" get-face wlc] set-face downloaded sw show downloaded/update ] ;-- Info fiels across at 650x45 label "Currently Downloading:" cdl: text 245x20 at 690x60 label "Download Time:" dlt: text 125x20 label "Seconds" at 614x75 label "Local Wikipedia Article Sizes:" lwas: text 125x20 "0" label "Bytes" return ; filter for downloaded wikipedia articles f1: filter 220x22 with [user-data: [downloaded]] indent 578 ; filter for references to wikipedia articles f2: filter 220x22 with [user-data: [wikilinks]] ; return ; btn "Debug" [monitor] ; btn "Halt" [halt] ] ;--- Main Program ; user-data stores the complete master list, data can contain filtered (shortend master list) downloaded/user-data: make block! [] wikilinks/user-data: make block! [] if exists? %_auto-dl-links.r [ wikilinks/user-data: load/all %_auto-dl-links.r ] ;-- initialize link lists files: read wiki-dir foreach entry files [ fi: info? wiki-dir/:entry set-face lwas fi/size + to-integer get-face lwas ; add entry names to list if (suffix? entry) == %.txt [append downloaded/user-data to-string replace entry suffix? entry ""] ] downloaded/data: sort downloaded/user-data downloaded/update set-face lwa rejoin ["Local Wikipedia Articles (" length? downloaded/user-data ") :"] wikilinks/data: sort wikilinks/user-data wikilinks/update set-face wl rejoin ["Referenced Links to follow (" length? wikilinks/user-data ") :"] set-face rdl length? wikilinks/user-data ;-- Init GUI field wlc/edge/color: base-color wlc/edge/effect: none ; preset text in output face wikitext/pane: make face [offset: 0x0 size: wikitext/size] output-face: wikitext/pane output-face/pane: make block! [] set-face wikihelp {The Wikipedia-On-The-Go client downloads the words you search for to your computersystems and stores the content for later off-line access. To use it just type in a search word and press RETURN or click the search button. It supports different Wikipedia languages. Just select the language you want to access from the drop-downlist. All search requests will be directed to the selected language site. All downloaded articles are tagged with the language ID to be able to download different language versions. Language setting is changed with respect to the selected word. On the left side you see the list of all your local (already downloaded) Wikipedia articles. On the right side you see a list of all found Wikiwords contained in the articles on the left side. Just click one to download it. At the bottom you see two filter-fields for each list. Just start typing characters and you see the list being filtered in real-time. This is your fast search if you have downloaded many Wikipedia articles. At the top right you see some information fields. These show the article currently being downloaded. The time it took to download the article and the size of all your local articles in bytes. At the top left you have two check-boxes. The first one starts the autodownload feature. If enabled, the client crawls through the list on the right and downloads one entry after the other starting at the top. If you click the "Random Download" check-box, the download order is random. Wikiwords found in the downloaded articles are added to the list, so that you can perform a recursive download of Wikipedia articles. To display HELP just click the help button. To hide help, just click the help button again, or search for a word or click any word to download. } ;-- start main GUI view/new main-gui forever [ ; handle GUI events wait 1 ; do autodownload if get-face adl [ index: 1 if get-face ardl [index: random length? wikilinks/user-data] adlsw: wikilinks/user-data/:index ; adlsw = auto-download-search-word either none? adlsw [set-face adl false set-face ardl false] [ if not load-wikipedia create-wiki-word adlsw [ ; not found, remove it from list remove skip wikilinks/user-data index - 1 ] ] save/all %_auto-dl-links.r wikilinks/user-data ] ; if not viewed? main-gui [halt] if not viewed? main-gui [quit] ]