Necker's Cube - Source Code

Is it an innie, or an outie, that is the question...
Author: eFishAnt
File size: 1K
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    Author: "Steve Shireman"
    Title: "Necker-Cube"
    copyright: {Not for use at Microsoft Corporation until
                they pay my $1.6 million lost-time settlement from being forced to use their defective products...}
    comment: "Necker cube is a perspective which makes it hard to discern if it is an innie, or an outie." 

A: 90x100
B: 90x200
C: 90x0
D: 0x150
E: 173x50
F: 0x50
G: 173x150

view center-face cube: layout [size 208x240 box 174x200 effect [draw [
    pen cyan 
    p: 'polygon A E C F 
    p A B D F 
    p A B G E