Submit a Plugin Demo - Source Code

Allows users to submit plugin demos (in special area).
Author: Carl Sassenrath
File size: 8K
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REBOL [Title: "Demo Submission" Version: 1.0.0 Author: "Carl Sassenrath"]

dev-name: ""
dev-pass: ""
demo-name: ""
demo-size: 0x0
demo-file: none
demo-path: none
file-list: []
txt-wide: 520

system/options/binary-base: 64

safe-name: func [name] [
    name: lowercase copy name
    replace/all name " " "-"

post-demo: func ['cmd args] [
    result: attempt [
        cmd: mold/only reduce [cmd reduce args]
        ;?? cmd
        cmd: compress cmd
        read/custom reduce ['post cmd]
    if not result [alert "An error occurred trying to send data to the server." return false]
    if find result "script error" [alert result quit]
    ;?? result
    load result
;print post-demo purge [] halt

missing?: func [face] [empty? trim get-face face]

panels: [
;-- Logon panel:
    if exists? %user-name.r [
        info: load %user-name.r
        set-face f-name info/1
        set-face f-email info/2
        set-face r-ip info/3 = 'true
        set-face r-pass not get-face r-ip
    h2 "To submit a demo..." return
    text txt-wide {Before you can submit a demo you need an account.
        Enter a logon name (new or old) and an email address (optional,
        but required to contact you if necessary):} return
    lab 50 "Name:" f-name: field 180
    lab 50 "Email:" f-email: field return
    pad 0x8
    h2 "To confirm that it is you..." return
    text txt-wide {
        So that only you can make changes to your scripts, you
        will need to provide validation. Enter a password below
        (DO NOT use your system password), or if you use a fixed
        IP address, we will accept that as validation.
    } return
    indent 30 r-pass: radio-line bold "Provide password:" on
    f-pass: field 120 return
    indent 30 r-ip: radio-line bold "Use my IP address (no password needed)" return
    text txt-wide {When you click "Next" below, you will be validated.}
    if missing? f-name [alert "A name is required." return false]
    if all [get-face r-pass empty? get-face f-pass] [alert "A password or IP is needed." return false]
    dev-name: get-face f-name
    dev-pass: either get-face r-pass [get-face f-pass]['ip]
    flash "Confirming user..."
    ok: post-demo logon [dev-name dev-pass]
    if not ok [return false]
    either ok/1 = 'ok [
        save %user-name.r reduce [dev-name get-face f-email get-face r-ip]
        prior-demos: ok/2
    ] [alert "Invalid name or password. Try again." false]

;-- Demo info:
    if missing? f-author [set-face f-author get-face f-name]
    clear f-apps/data
    foreach demo prior-demos [append f-apps/data demo/title]
    h2 "Demo information needed:" return
    p-1: text 400 {Provide a short title for the demo (as it appears on the demo page).
    If this is an update, click the title from the "prior demos" list.} return
    lab "Title:" f-title: field return
    text 400 {Who is the author? Please give proper credit to who wrote the demo.} return
    lab "Author:" f-author: field return
    text 400 {What is the size of the demo window (within the browser page)?} return
    lab "Width:" f-wide: field 60
    lab 50 "Height:" f-high: field 60 return
    text 400 {Provide a short one line description of the demo:} return
    f-info: field 400 return
    below return
    space 0 pad 20
    text white coal 120 bold "Your Prior Demos"
    f-apps: text-list 120x240 [
        foreach demo prior-demos [
            if value = demo/title [
                set-face f-title demo/title
                set-face f-author demo/author
                set-face f-wide demo/area/x
                set-face f-high demo/area/y
                set-face f-info demo/info
                demo-file: join demo/file %.r
    if missing? f-title [alert "A title is required." return false]
    if missing? f-author [alert "An author is required." return false]
    if missing? f-wide [alert "A width is required." return false]
    if missing? f-high [alert "A height is required." return false]
    if error? try [
        demo-size: load join get-face f-wide ["x" get-face f-high]
        if not pair? demo-size [cause-error]
    ][alert "Invalid size (width and or height) value" return false]
    if missing? f-info [alert "Short description is required." return false]
    demo-name: safe-name get-face f-title

;-- File info:
    set-face f-url dirize join demo-name
    if demo-file [set-face f-file demo-file]
    h2 "Demo script and file details:" return
    text txt-wide {Specify the REBOL script file name used for your demo:} return
    lab "Script:" btn "Find File" [
        demo-path: request-file/only/keep
        if demo-path [
            if not script? demo-path [alert reform ["Not a valid REBOL script:" demo-path] exit]
            set-face f-file demo-file: second split-path demo-path
    f-file: info silver return
    text txt-wide {If additional files are needed, specify them here. They will
        be uploaded to our server for use by your script.} return
    indent 35
    f-list: text-list 180x70
    b1: btn 75 "Add File" [
        value: request-file/keep
        if value [
            foreach file value [
                tmp: second split-path file
                if not find file-list tmp [
                    repend file-list [tmp file]
                    append f-list/data tmp
                    show f-list/update
    at b1/offset + 0x30
    btn 75 "Remove File" [
        remove find f-list/data get-face f-list
        remove/part find file-list get-face f-list 2
        show f-list/update
    text txt-wide bold red / 2 {Be sure to modify your script to refer to the correct URL
    path used by these additional files (if used). The URL will be:} return
    f-url: info txt-wide silver return
    if not demo-path [demo-path: demo-file]
    if not demo-file [alert "Script file is required." return false]

;-- Upload data:
    f-done/color: 200.0.0
    set-face f-done "Uploading..."
    file-data: copy []
    if not exists? demo-path [alert reform [demo-path "was not found"] exit]
    repend file-data [demo-file read/binary demo-path]
    foreach [name file] file-list [repend file-data [name read/binary file]]
    ok: post-demo upload [
        'user dev-name
        'pass dev-pass
        'email get-face f-email
        'title get-face f-title
        'author get-face f-author
        'size demo-size
        'info get-face f-info
        'files file-data
    f-done/color: 0.0.0
    set-face f-done either ok/1 = 'ok [
        set-face f-detail trim/lines {Your submission has been accepted and will
            be reviewed for publication on the demo page soon. Thanks!}
        "Upload accepted"
        set-face f-detail trim/lines {Something is wrong. Check that you are not
        using a demo title or file name that has already been used by
        someone else.}
        form ok
    h2 "Demo is being updated..." return
    text txt-wide {Do not close this window until the indicator below shows that
    the upload is complete.} return
    indent 30
    f-done: text 200 white 200.0.0 bold return
    f-detail: text as-pair txt-wide 50 return
    text bold blue underline "View list of new demos." [browse]

form-size: 0x0
panes: []
befores: []
afters: []

foreach [before panel after] panels [
    append panes panel: layout panel
    panel/offset: 0x0
    panel/color: none
    form-size: max form-size panel/size
    append befores does before
    append afters does after

this-panel: none
pick-panel: func [n] [
    if pick panes n [
        this-panel: max 1 min n length? panes
        b-panel/pane: pick panes n
        show b-panel
        do pick befores n
        show b-panel

do-panel: does [
    if do pick afters this-panel [
        pick-panel this-panel + 1

out: layout [
    vh1 "REBOL Plugin Demo Submission"
    b-panel: box form-size frame coal 1x1 with [color: none]
    pad form-size/x - 140
    btn-cancel 65 "Back" [pick-panel this-panel - 1]
    btn-enter 65 "Next" [do-panel]

pick-panel 1
out/effect: reduce ['gradient 0x1 water + 60 tan + 20]
view out