Gel Image Effects - Source Code

Shows a sampling of the built-in image effects.
Author: Carl Sassenrath
File size: 1K
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    Title:  "Cool Effect Gel"
    Author: "Carl Sassenrath"
    Date:   12-Nov-2003 ;2-Apr-2001 ;30-Aug-2000
    Version: 1.4.0

flash "Downloading image..."
the-image: read-thru
if not the-image [quit]
the-image: load the-image

faces: layout [
    size the-image/size
    backdrop the-image
    pad 0x20 space 0x2
    vh2 yellow "Grab the gel and drag it around."
    vtext bold "Click blue button to change effect."
    at the-image/size * 0x1 + 10x-40
    pos: vh1 90x24
    rota: rotary 200 [
        v-face/effect: append copy [merge] load first rota/data
        show v-face
    at 108x92
    v-face: box 100x100 edge [color: 250.120.40 size: 4x4] feel [
        engage: func [f a e] [  ;intercepts target face events
            if find [over away] a [
                pos/text: f/offset: confine f/offset + e/offset - f/data f/size
                    0x0 f/parent-face/size
                show [f pos]
            if a = 'down [f/data: e/offset]

effects: [
    [contrast 40]
    [colorize 0.0.200]
    [gradcol 1x1 0.0.255 255.0.0]
    [tint 100]
    [luma -80]
    [multiply 80.0.200]
    [grayscale emboss]
    [flip 0x1]
    [flip 1x0]
    [rotate 90]
    [reflect 1x1]

rota/data: []
foreach e effects [append/only rota/data form e]
v-face/effect: append [merge] first effects
view faces