Comments on: Test releases for OS X and Linux now available
R3 A33 Core (not view) for both Apple OS X and Linux (Fedora 2.6) have been uploaded. See RebDev chat #1627 for the gz distros. These are basically untested and I'm sure you'll find various bugs.
Note that if you're going to test R3 on CGI, you'll need to get-env your own CGI variables. But, it's easy to do, and actually just a bit faster because you can only fetch what you need.
4 Comments Comments:
Luis 5-Feb-2009 5:59:01 |
OS X: PPC or Intel?
| Luis. 5-Feb-2009 6:01:11 |
Ooops, just seen it, Intel. Pants.
| Can someone assemble a d 6-Feb-2009 15:49:05 |
All Rebolers should be netbookers ( but for Steve Jobs not getting on board ... )
Rebol 276 installed fine
The DEB has to include dependencies that a full Xandros would no require.
For example, on my 900A the Squeak deb installed and Squeak came up fine but the Curl6 deb did not ... | azlk 11-Feb-2009 0:35:39 |
I've found this page on REBDEV
( and tried to write an answer there, but I was not lucky to connect to REBDEV from my test Linux R3 CLI client, so could anybody put my opinion there PLEASE?...
I want to say to Carl, that the best and smallest Linux today IMO is PuppyLinux by Barry Cauler ( "A complete operating
system with suite of GUI apps, only about 50 - 95MB and boots directly off the CDROM."
And it is worth to make a build for it, as it's the
fastest and frendly Linux today, try it yourself and you'll see. |
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